Alone we can do so little, and together we can do so much ...
(Helen Keller)
Our team, the most important thing after you. equipo, lo más importante después de ti.
PGDIBALEAR was born as the spin-off of a company with more than 30 years of experience in the field of facilities engineering.
The greatest capital of our studio is the team. Senior engineers, technical engineers, draftsmen, administrative ... all are indispensable, and all leave their mark on each project, seeking a single and simple goal: to do the best possible job.
Además, realizamos estrechas colaboraciones con diferentes arquitectos, de amplia trayectoria profesional y cuyo trabajo se integra con el nuestro como parte del propio equipo.
That is why we are very aware that after you, our best asset is our team.
Miguel Angel Verger Martín
Chief executive officer. Senior Engineer
María Isabel Azorín Antoine
Project and Operations Coordinator